Welcome to Embury

Celebrating 150 years of Loving God and our Community 1869 - 2019

You are always welcome. Embury is warm and friendly in its truest sense. But then again it is to be experienced, not promoted. In this age of super stores and super sizes, we are not embarrassed that we are small. In fact, we believe it is one of our strengths where you feel more like part of a caring family, not part of a "congregation." Most importantly, at Embury, it's all about growing disciples, not adding members. It's not about maintaining our facility but it's about loving our neighbors and loving God. (Mark 12:30-31) You are always welcome!

September, 2015

Living by Faith

To me, life is a series of changes that bring us to a new place everyday. We know something will be different tomorrow from today. We just don’t know how or what will be changed and be different. And in the midst of the uncertainties, we live on.

Many changes took place in my family over the years as our children grew up, have gone to college and moved on with their careers. With my father’s passing in July, the family is no longer the same.   It is very hard to lose someone so integral to your life and try to go on with the loss as you seek to reconcile the void in your heart.

There are many in our congregation who are dealing with loss and changes in their lives due to death, new life or people maturing. Many college students are back on campus after a nice long summer break. Some are going in as freshmen to begin a new chapter in their lives.   I remember the day when we packed our car, drove our son Wesley to his new school in Boston and left him there. As we were saying our good byes, my head comprehended why he was being left there all by himself, but my heart didn’t agree. We shed a few tears as we drove off. Thankfully not only did we survive the change, but we thrived in the midst of it. One thing is sure… we live and thus the change. Thinking about all these changes made me think about faith all over again.

The writer of the book of Hebrews defines faith this way. “…faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.” (Heb. 11:1 NRSV)   When our kids started driving and even today, whenever they are out on the road, the faith is that God will watch over them and keep them safe on the road. As we left Wesley in Boston, we did so in faith that God will take care of him. Letting go is not easy by any means, but we are able to do it because of faith, faith in the God who has our best interest in His heart.   Then again, every morning as we begin our day, whether staying home or going to work or to school or to the market, we jump into the day without knowing what or where we will end up at the end of the day but we do so in faith that the Omniscient and Omnipresent God will lead and guide us through the day.

As we begin a new ministry year this September, we do so with faith that God will bless our ministry and help us to know Jesus Christ and make him known in the world as we practice intentional discipleship and serve God in the world. Maxie Dunnam, in his book Dancing at My Funeral said, “Faith is no misconception. It is a plunge into the unknown.” Faith is the only thing that holds us up and keeps us going in the midst of change and uncertainties. This is not to say that faith is some magic that will keep evil away. To live by faith doesn’t mean that every wish will be fulfilled or that we will always be successful.  But if living by faith doesn’t mean you will live “successfully,” it does mean you will live victoriously.

Living victoriously by faith means we can live secure in the knowledge that we have absolute trust, complete confidence in the promises of God. Living victoriously means overcoming the fear, panic and doubt that can freeze us from moving forward.   Faith in God’s promises, faith in God’s continued presence — faith itself gives us the courage and boldness to move forward into the unknown and uncertainty. In the midst of the daily uncertainty, we continue on with song and praise in our hearts because of faith.   Thanks be to God for faith and His promise always to be with us! Amen.



Pastor Grace